Sunday, November 14, 2010

lemon buttered green beans with toasted almonds

really good green beans

I must apologize for the rather boring blog posts this weekend. I've been a little overwhelmed with all the posting this month, and I guess I'm in need of a second wind. Hopefully that will come with the start of a new week.

Anyway, today I've got these green beans for you. I'll be the first to admit that green beans aren't my favorite vegetable, but made like this they make a great side dish. All you need is a little butter, lemon, salt, pepper and slivered almonds, and you can make the lowly string bean sing.

green beans with almonds

We got a lot of green beans from the food co-op this summer, and this was my go-to preparation. Simply toast the almonds briefly until golden brown, making sure not to let them burn. Then the green beans are cooked in melted butter over low heat, sprinkled with lemon juice and tossed with the nuts. It may not seem like much, but it's really quite good.

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